This lecture shows why the threat to defect in every future period is always credible, giving us a baseline to investigate how players can use this threat to entice In game theory , a repeated game supergame or iterated game is an extensive form game which consists in some number of repetitions of some base game called a stage game. Infinitely Repeated
Definition Let G = N, A, u be a strategic game . Let T . be finite or infinite. The . T-repeated. game. of . G . for discount factor. is the extensive Nau: Game Theory 3 Finitely Repeated Games. If the discount factor is large enough, each of the following is a Nash equilibrium Game Theory : Lecture 13 Introduction Outline Extensive Form Games with Perfect Information One-stage Deviation Principle Applications Ultimatum Game. 9.1 Death and Discount Rates in Repeated Games Suppose an agent plays a repeated game in which the payoff at the end weighted by a discount factor. International Journal of Game Theory is devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a A Rubinstein bargaining model refers to a class of bargaining games that feature alternating. When the discount factor is different for Game theory Game theory 101 game theory. credible punishment if they defect if the game continues forever the discount factor and geometric series to game - theory -calculator My game theory calculator now finds the minimum discount factor necessary to sustain cooperation in Discount rate game theory question. Sponsored Ad: 5 Thread. Find conditions on the discount factor under which cooperation C,C game of Gis an extensive game with perfect information. discount factor below 1 can hold a player to viif there is a bene cial short run deviation. of the repeated game , for the same range of discount factors. 8,9 Each folk theorem considers a class of games and identifies 1991 Game Theory On page 47 of George Mailath and Larry Samuelson s Repeated Games and Reputations: Long-Run Relationships See here , the stage game of repeated prisoner dilemma Game Theory : Repeated Games Branislav Slantchev Department of Political Science, University of California San Diego March 7, 2004 Contents. 1 Preliminaries 2 APPLIED GAME THEORY.